Week Twenty Five

Week 25

Sheesh, I promise there is more going on over here than idly sitting around watching baby girl Salinas grow.  I’m just too busy to write about it right now.  Or maybe she is already claiming her role of “queen of all the things” in this household.

week 25


  1. How big is baby this week? An entire head of cauliflower!  
  2. Weight Gain?  I’m afraid to check
  3. Do you feel that it is a boy or girl?  It’s a GIRL!
  4. Are you wearing maternity clothes yet? Bought some new ones this week.
  5. Do your wedding rings still fit? Yep!
  6. Weird cravings this week? No, but am having a sudden aversion to turkey…worst timing ever.
  7. What do you miss most? Wine.  All the wine.  And also tequila.
  8. Movement? Angry kicks when her brother lays on her.
  9. Sleep? What’s that?
  10. How are you feeling?   Twitchy, anxious, down right impossible to be around, reason?  Not even sure, pretty much whatever you are doing is terribly annoying to me so stop it thanks.
  11. Things I cried about this week.  Watching Isaac drink my bottle of my most favorite wine when I clearly cannot have any!  THEN seeing him spill an entire glass of it on the floor.  My frugal and wino sides both ache.
  12. Best Moment this week. Thanksgiving/more birthday celebrations for Ike.

Week Twenty-Four

Week 24

Very busy planning a Harold and the Purple Crayon birthday party.  Sorry baby girl, welcome to our world second baby, don’t worry we love you lots I promise.

Week 24


  1. How big is baby this week? A Cantaloupe.  
  2. Weight Gain?  Seventeen  
  3. Do you feel that it is a boy or girl?  It’s a GIRL!
  4. Are you wearing maternity clothes yet? Yep.
  5. Do your wedding rings still fit? Yep!
  6. Weird cravings this week? nah
  7. What do you miss most? Pants with buttons.  And zippers.
  8. Movement? Lots, on schedule even usually.
  9. Sleep? Fine.
  10. How are you feeling?   A little twitchy about Ike’s birthday party.
  11. Things I cried about this week.  When Ike turned TWO!
  12. Best Moment this week. When Ike turned TWO!


Point Clear Wedding

My cousin Christina got married a few weeks ago.  Welcome to forever coupledom cuz!  It’s really great, nearly all the time.

Anyway, the party ceremony was in Point Clear, Alabama at a beautiful beach resort.  Although it was October, the weather down there was beautiful and Ike and I took every chance to be outside.

Here’s that handsome guy all dressed up for the outdoor nuptials.


All three of the most important men in the world to me.  As much trouble as they may be some times, they sure do clean up nice, I’m lucky to have every single one of them.


Oh, and I was there too!


Most importantly, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell were there, stunning and beautiful among the most enchanting back drop I’ve ever seen.


During the service the pastor compared marriage to the beautiful open water behind them.  He said that it’s beauty and vast majesty were things to cherish, but it’s strength to withstand the occasional hurricane is what makes it last.

After the serious/official stuff and about a hundred dozen raw oysters later, it was time to party.  You don’t have to tell my crew twice.

Here’s Ike teaching Uncle Michael how to drop it low low low low.


And of course there was more touching moments like this one.


And all the Thompson women in one place, including the tiniest one still cooking in my belly.


I’m so happy that we were able to share this day with Christina and Wesley.  I’m glad they found each other and are wise enough to hold on tight, for ever and ever.

PS I’m glad I am that wise too.



Week Twenty Three

Week 23


  1. How big is baby this week? A Grapefruit.  Wait, seriously?  Every grapefruit I’ve ever seen is noticeably smaller than a spaghetti squash…
  2. Weight Gain?  Sixteen!  Donuts are heavy.  
  3. Do you feel that it is a boy or girl?  It’s a GIRL!
  4. Are you wearing maternity clothes yet? Yep.
  5. Do your wedding rings still fit? Yep!
  6. Weird cravings this week? Please just put all the noodles in the wok and hand it over!
  7. What do you miss most? Santa Margarita Pinot Grigio
  8. Movement? Oh yeah, Dancing with the Stars is our favorite
  9. Sleep? Fine.
  10. How are you feeling?   Still pretty even tempered.  I think anyway.
  11. Things I cried about this week.  Having to pay the renewal membership to Costco and effectively doubling the cost of the trip.
  12. Best Moment this week. The sun came back this week after being in hiding for 10 days straight.  We had so much park time!

Week 23

Can we talk about the 5 pounds that came out of nowhere this week!? Well, maybe not nowhere per say.  Oh but those 5 pounds actually read ELEVEN pounds at my monthly prenatal appointment.  Luckily I had my biometric health screening the very next day and six of those pounds were determined to be a.) 3 pounds of winter boots, b.) 1 pound of temporary residual biscuit, c.) 2 pounds of winter sweater, d.) 1 pound of extra water because hydration is important yo.  Boom 5 pound increase in a week (or two), cancel that referral to psych please.


Week Twenty-Two

Week 22

Baby weighs a whole pound this week!  That’s such a substantial amount after trying to visualize poppy seeds just a few weeks ago! Per the books, she’s looking less alien-like and more baby-like as the weeks roll on and her organs are developing to a state that can survive on their own very soon.  I do pray that she hangs out in the womb for a while yet however.

Week 22


  1. How big is baby this week? A spaghetti squash.  
  2. Weight Gain?  Ten pounds + a few donuts.  
  3. Do you feel that it is a boy or girl?  It’s a GIRL!
  4. Are you wearing maternity clothes yet? Yessir.
  5. Do your wedding rings still fit? Yep!
  6. Weird cravings this week? Glazed Donuts, not before 9pm
  7. What do you miss most? Wine and sandwiches
  8. Movement? She’s a mover and a shaker
  9. Sleep? Much better now that the toddler has returned to the crib.
  10. How are you feeling?   I’m cool.
  11. Things I cried about this week.  The news that bacon causes cancer.
  12. Best Moment this week. Ike going to bed in his crib without me having to lay on the floor in his room and hold his hand through the crib slats until he fell asleep.

Oh and I forgot, baby is also working on making poop, so that’s exciting…

Epic Halloween Win!

We went for the unconventional, homemade, toddler costume again this year.  Ike played a very convincing Brazil National Soccer team member last year.  Our cousin Thomas actually gave me the idea several months ago, so Ike’s getup was a long time coming.  I know my Halloweens are limited, before long Ike will be throwing a tantrum in the aisles of Target because he wants the same superman/batman/minion/star wars costume that all his friends have.  Sigh.  So we had better make the best of these holidays while he still doesn’t get a say right?

Ike’s costume had to make use of his beautiful long hair, for as much as I hate to admit, those days are probably numbered as well.  And being the insanely cool parents we are (what is this Snapchat thing again?) it has to involve pop culture.  But pop culture in a clean, kid friendly, toddler sort of way.  Although my husband did send me a pretty convincing toddler Pablo Escobar to which my response was “Um, yeah, hellz no!”

Anyway, we are pretty big Game of Thrones fans over here, as are most of our friends, and pretty much everyone on earth so…

Enter Jon Snow!


Who wouldn’t be complete without his trusty companion, Ghost.


They are totally BFFs…



I mean, it’s going to be just about impossible to top this next year, so I think I’ll go check out the clearance rack at Target and pickup a Minion/Olaf/Koala Bear in a size 3T for next year.

…or maybe…